About 38 Years
Moses Bot (bought) at S. Morgans sale 13 Aug 1826
Bill of Sale form Agat. Kimbro for Moses, Paty & John Adams - $702.00 worked at Smith place balance of that year.
1825 with Judy, John, Paty, John Adams, and Clay at Coleman Place
1826 at Marshall place 1830 at Smith place with Peat
1827 at Marshall place 1830 at Smith place with Peat
1828 at Marshall place 1830 at Smith place with Peat
1829 at Marshall place 1830 at Smith place with Peat
1831 all called in to home place
1832 all called in to home place
1833 all called in to home place
1834 on turnpike some P___ hoc hand in cook - ____
1835 on turnpike some P___ hoc hand in cook - ____
1836 with John McIver
1837 [same as previous line]
1838 off to Arkansas in steam boat John Randolph 12 Jan. Had short attack of first in fall
1839 on Arkansas Plantation
1840 same as last year – had severe fever
1841 same as last year – more saluable and confidential
1842 same as last year
1843 same as last year, leader of the hoc gang
1844 same as last year
1845 left Arkansas with me an arrived on Richland Creek Plantation 13 January same as last year
1846 same as last 3 years, gaming some shiff
1847 same as last 4 years
1848 same as last 4 years
1849 head of hoc gang – failing and sharp spike of sickness during cholera at Nashville in June
1850 head of hoc hands and very little sick
1851 Same as l1850 – Failing in usefulness
1852 same as in 1851 Failing more sickly
1853 same as 1852 after complaining and doing little – shelling corn
1854 Same as 1953
1855 Same as 1854 failing
1856 Did my hiring-out sometime with the hoc hands taken down easily in the fall with Neuralgia
and disease of the stomach brought on by heavy drinking and died on the last evening of the year